Review of Olabot
Review of Olabot - m.me/Qwazou #olabot #chatbotreview #botreview #chatbotreviews #botreviewq #Qwazou #AniciaGau

Review of Fit Tea
Review of Fit Tea - m.me/Qwazou #FitTea #health #nutrition #fitness #chatbotreview #chatbotreviews #botreview #botreviews #Qwazou #AniciaGau

Review of Beer BOT
Review of Beer BOT - m.me/Qwazou #chatbotreview #chatbotreviews #botreview #botreviews #Qwazou #BeerBOT #beer #ale #AniciaGau

Review of the Rorschach Test
Review of the Rorschach Test - m.me/Qwazou #chatbotreveiw #chatbotreview #chatbotreviews #botreview #botreviews #Qwazou #rorschachtest...

Review of RACorner
Review of RACorner - m.me/Qwazou #chatbotreview #chatbotreviews #botreview #botreviews #Qwazou #fatigue #health #rheumatoidarthritis

Live Review of the Shakespeare Bot
Live Review of the Shakespeare Bot - m.me/Qwazou #Shakespeare #bots #botreview #chatbotreview #chatbotreviews #Qwazou

Review of Insurify
Review of Insurify - m.me/Qwazou #chatbotreviews #chatbotreview #botreview #Insurify #carinsurance #insurance #Qwazou

Review of Power Rangers Movie
Review of Power Rangers Movie - m.me/Qwazou #chatbotreview #botreview #Qwazou #PowerRangers #movies #chatbotreviews

Messenger bot called Around ME that shows you cool places around you (wherever you are)
For the past few years I’ve been reading and learning about chat interfaces and most of all, chat bots. There is a huge hype around them...

How Airlines Use Facebook Bots.
It’s nothing new — Big companies such as Starbucks, CNN, Microsoft, Tommy Hilfiger, KIA, Pizza Hut and Co are making use of bots to...